The Experience
Enjoy a hot air balloon flight over New Hampshire. A Hot air balloon ride is one of the most fascinating experiences you will ever have.
The balloon take off point is about a 30-minute drive from Boston, MA. After preflight safety training, your experience will begin by helping the crew to assemble the balloon and taking some time to take some pictures. The hot air balloon will ascend between 500 to 2,000 feet in the air for approximately one hour allowing you plenty of time to take in aerial views of the surrounding land and mountains at sunrise before alighting on the ground for a champagne toast with crackers and cheese.
You will also receive an official flight certificate. Young or Old, we are confident that with the pilot, Andre and his 25+ years experience you will walk away with a memory of a lifetime and a story to share for years to come.
Vital Information
To enjoy the hot air balloon ride you must be 5 years or over. Women who are pregnant are not permitted to take a balloon ride.
The Weather
Hot air balloon rides will not operate in stormy weather or rain. Wind is the most critical factor in safe ballooning; it effects every phase of a flight. More balloon flights are cancelled due to wind than for any other reason. Balloons fly best in light and stable winds of 4-6 miles per hour or less. In the case of a cancellation because of bad weather you will be contacted beforehand and offered another date. We ask for passengers’ understanding if a flight must be rescheduled due to weather. Our pilots are just as disappointed as you when the weather causes a delay or cancellation
Session Length
Your experience will last approximately 3 hours including hands on launch and refreshments. Your balloon ride will last approximately one hour.
This voucher is valid for one person. You will share the ballon ride with other passengers.
As there are transfers involved from vehicle to balloon, speactators will not be able to join you.
What To Wear
The balloon flies all year round so we like to ask our passengers to dress for whatever the weather is forecasted to be the day of your flight. The temperature in the air is the same as the temperature on the ground. Dress casual and comfortable, shorts and dresses are not recommended. Morning launch sites are usually damp due to the dew or snow, sneakers or waterproof footwear are recommended and high heels and flip flops are prohibited.
Hot air balloon rides are available all year round at Sunrise.
New Hampshire