Make your gift extra special and use our FREE VideoGRAM feature to make your own personalised video greeting into an eGift Card ready to present to put a smile on the face of your loved one.
Add a personalised video to a eGift Card!
Since 1999.  INSTANT Gift Experience vouchers valid for 15 months with FREE exchanges
Corporate Activation

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I extend my voucher?

This information applies only to vouchers directly purchased on our website. If you have purchased your voucher from another company, please contact us for assistance.

If your voucher has expired, a reactivation fee is payable and can be paid online here.
If your voucher is still in date and you need longer in order to do your experience, you can order the extension fee online here.
In both cases, your voucher will be valid for a further 15 months from the date of placing your extension or reactivation order.
If you need to discuss exceptional circumstances for not using your voucher within the expiry date, please do contact us with your voucher number.

Frequently asked questions
Here you can find help on things like exchanging and upgrading your vouchers, delivery times, bringing spectators, corporate sales and much more. View all of our FAQs here
Dinner Cruise on Thames My brothers and sisters bought this Golden Moments gift for my husband and I for our Ruby wedding last August. We couldn't have picked a more glorious day to go. The whole experience was wonderful. The food was good, the Cabernet excellent and the disco was pitched at just the right level for the clientele. We will definitely recommend the experience.

Golden Moments Reply
Hi Madeline and Colin,
I'm glad you had a great experience! Thank you for your feedback. Madeline and Colin Livermore

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